Philip F Walker (exh. 1883-1914)

Artist Name Philip F Walker (exh. 1883-1914)
Title The Thames at Battersea
Description A stunning view of the Thames at Battersea which Whistler would have been proud of. A superb 1887 impressionist view of London with the river Thames, barges and boats with beautiful brushwork and a super evening glow. The bridge and the the river are captured in glorious impressionism by Philip F Walker who exhibited between 1883-1905. Very well painted and in excellent condition. This is a fine example of a 19th century British Impressionist oil painting with good subject.

Signed and dated right.
Provenance Private/family collection. Original artist label and Manchester Square address verso.
Medium Oil on Canvas
Size 23 x 16 inches
Frame Framed in a 19th century gilt frame behind glass, 30 inches by 24 inches. Gallery condition.
Condition In excellent gallery condition.
Biography Philip F Walker exhibited between 1883-1914. A painter in oils of landscapes, portraits and marine. Address Duke St Manchester Sq London. Exhibited widely.
Birmingham - 6
Liverpool - 9
Manchester - 8
New Gallery - 28
Royal Academy - 1
Royal Society of British Artists - 10
Ridley Art Club - 28
Price £6800
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